Saturday, June 9, 2012

contribution is everything

I realised that friends aren't really friends only when you have something to contribute...

same as it goes for the other party that you are looking for.

You have to contribute to something, be it looks, love, ideas, brain...

Thats a fact of life.

I think that God has given me a good foundation. thats because we all got to help ourselves and crack our brains for the fear of god.

Growing strong but later falling and then rising again...

Good luck to me in friends, love and life...

Thursday, June 7, 2012

I don't like it when fashion becomes too ugly..Most of the haute couture looks really ugly to me. It kinda makes humans look like creatures instead of beauty objects and that I don't like

only Chanel's haute couture looks wearable to me.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

wake yourself up

I realised I now understand why people are always so discontented.

That is because society makes people think a certain way and if you don't, people think you are childish or you are not normal.

but I think that if you are really yourself, you then grow and will cherish every moment in your life. Than you won't regret that you didn't enjoy your youth or if you are a matured 50 yr old guy, you wouldn't want to go for a young girl just to fulfil what you didn't fulfil due to society needs.

I try not to follow what I'm suppose to behave too and just act as what I feel like acting.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

genius Chanel

I think Karl Lagerfeld made the rich accessible ...

Look at the recent collections...
The tweed jacket has been made popular by Chanel and now even Zara is carrying the tweed look.

Look at the recent cruise collection. He made them wear platform Sneakers looking shoes. It shows that being rich isn't just about that particular community.

I guess that is why his designs are classic and people rely on his inspirations to make money.

Modernity shouldn't be mixed up with status.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

pixeted us

Prada''s fall collection reminds me of the digital world and kind of also reflects what we are experiencing now since its the computerised world in this generation of ours. 

It could be seen in the clothing through the pixeted  look of the bags, coats and etc...

The dna of the clothing has suddenly turned into pixels, like a picture from a computer or things that we generally don't see in our naked eye unless only through the eyes of the digital world. 

It amazes me that the idea of pixels can even be brought into the real world. Thanks to fashion and computer games. 

I also feel that the mix of old auntie and young has been mixed, so much so that we can't tell the difference between what is old fashon and what is trendy anymore. This also helps to not distinguish the age gap of a young lady and an older mature lady so much in terms of fashion. I think it is only beneficial to us ladies all. that style cannot be just measured by age. 


Monday, May 28, 2012

love it throw hate it

I think that for 2013, its going to be an interesting year coming from the cruise collection. 

It amazes me at how the whole setting was located, the models looking like goddess or mermaid creatures. It really dwell upon me that fashion is coming alive again. 

Whats cool is putting history aside and making things new again using what we know of. 

Fashion to me is about being present at the moment and enjoying what life has to give. I think the virtual world such as OZ world, the sims does give us a rough idea of what the future should be like.

Its about being who we are and being a character that we really want to aspire. Its about being in charge of knowing what is around us and taking note how we feel.