Tuesday, February 7, 2012


We are working to constantly improve our way of life...
I think I have to realise this so that I stop buying so many clothes and invest on certain pieces that are classic and last a long time.
I know that I would never live like people who live in luxury- people who own private jets and have big mansions etc...

But one thing that I know for sure is that I would be able to afford clothes. I'm not thinking of wanting to show off to the world that I own in future a terrace house or a bungalow. 

Its not so much of the house but the standard of living that I'm working for. That would mean doing what I really want to do in life. 

As of now, I'm happy working in a house-like place called Horsecity, teaching cute students. 

I want to be innovative in whatever I'm doing. That's a key. Karl Lagerfeld said that we shouldn't be like vintage and must always be interested in what's happening now.

 I know I would never live in a world of luxury but I could learn how good fabrics and workmanship works to live in a life I call luxury.

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