Tuesday, March 20, 2012

living in a fire of hell may be what life really is

Its funny how suddenly I get reminded that the world is a dark and lonely place..

People who have a dark perspective of life are just being realistic ...

Its like making your way through the fire...in a forest...

People generally are the obstacles in life...Some may harm you...some may not..

The way to do it is to meet the right people in life...

Its a little bit like bingo...In order to reach your targeted destination, you have to meet so and so...

I find myself still trapped in this maze and what I call life...

Young doesn't mean good sometimes..people who are old already been through that maze...Never envy anyone...as they need to all go through that maze no matter what..

Even if you are rich, you may be trapped in this maze...People who get to travel meaning stay in another country are just a little bit luckier as they are able to get out of that trap and fulfill their so called targeted dream...

And I don't think we should be too happy about the present too...if we were, we will all die...things have to always be moving or else, the world will come to an end I think...

Its like staying in a house of fire...no human will not struggle in that...therefore tries to help her or himself out of that fire...

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